New Feature: Adaptive HLS Video on Demand

We are pleased to announce the introduction of a long awaited Video On Demand (VOD) feature, HLS adaptive playback.

We’ve simplified the video on demand workflow by adding an ‘Automatic’ option. This option automatically selects the best encode qualities for the video source you’ve provided. We haven’t removed the advanced encoding features, they’re just hidden under the ‘Manual’ option.

Another change to Video on Demand playback is that playback of the video will be instant, as we will serve the original video source until a valid encode is generated.

Finally, customers can now upload a video without having to encode it into multiple qualities. This enables customers to just use the source video, with the StreamShark video player. To do this, deselect all encode qualities under the ‘Manual’ toggle.

All these great new features are now available for all customers. If you use our API to manage your video on demand library and would like to start using the new HLS adaptive encode, please email [email protected].