Videon StreamShark Integration
We are thrilled to introduce the new partnership between StreamShark and Videon Central. Our partnership is commencing with an initial integration available to customers using Videon Greylock or Sonora H.264 encoders with StreamShark. Overview Utilise the Videon StreamShark integration by first entering your Encoder Settings visible …
XSplit StreamShark Integration
We are pleased to announce the new partnership between StreamShark and SplitmediaLabs, the developers of XSplit. Our early efforts in the partnership have led to a new plugin for StreamShark on the XSplit store. Our customers can now access the new plugin in the latest …
How To Live Stream Mixed Reality
Introduction With virtual reality rapidly gaining popularity, it’s becoming a great medium for generating live stream content. However, it can be hard translating the experience to an external viewer if you’re purely capturing the first person view. The solution to this problem is Mixed Reality. …
3 Ways Churches Benefit from Live Streaming Services
Churches run regular events for prayer services, sermons and bible study. So, why would a church live stream when it already provides these events onsite and gives members a physical place to connect with God and the wider church community? In this post, we look …
The mimoLive StreamShark Integration
We’re pleased to announce the latest live streaming encoder to integrate StreamShark. Boinx Software’s mimoLive is a versatile OSX based live stream encoder and production tool. Version 2.6.1 and onwards of mimoLive now features an integration with StreamShark. The integration reduces the number of steps required to start …
StreamShark Presents at Streaming Media West 2016
Innovations in the Digital Media, Entertainment and Online Video Industry Streaming Media West 2016 is an annual conference focussed on the business, technology and content of online video. For two days, the conference brings together video experts, producers, media and broadcast executives as well as …
StreamShark’s Matrox Integration
We’re thrilled to announce StreamShark’s integration with Matrox® which makes it effortless to live stream events with the Matrox® Monarch family of H.264 encoding appliances – the Monarch HDX and Monarch HD. Hardware Encoders for Live Streaming for Enterprise, Church, Education and Conference Hardware encoders …
How To Stop Your Live Stream From Buffering
One of the most common issues encountered during live streams is video buffering. It’s an issue which can be extremely frustrating for the viewer and in some cases the solution can be quite simple. In this article we will offer solutions for both the live stream …
TWiT’s First 360-Degree Live Stream by StreamShark
This week we got our geek on delivering an exciting live event with the production team at Pixel Corps. It was The First ‘This Week in Tech’ episode in the new TWiT Eastside Studio AND the first in 360º (watch it here). If you don’t …
A Lesson In Stream Failure: The Australian 2016 Olympics Live Stream
Over the opening weekend of the Rio 2016 Olympics, Australian sports fans have slammed Channel Seven, an Australian TV Station, over a “woeful” streaming experience. Viewers were promised free and paid ‘premium’ access for $20, to the live coverage and on-demand replays. Disappointingly, technical glitches …